M.A. 在哲学

M.A. program 在哲学 at 电子游戏软件 offers students the opportunity to deepen their knowledge of the history of philosophy and to work on topics as diverse as, 例如, 亚里士多德的自然主义, Medieval theories of language, Kantian views of space and time, 种族理论, and contemporary debates at the intersection of science, 道德, 法律, 和宗教.

Because advanced training in philosophy develops skills in rigorous reasoning, 清晰的分析, writing and oral communication, a master’s degree can also be helpful to students who want to pursue a career in fields as diverse as 法律, 出版, 政治科学, 政府, 人力资源, 经济学, 咨询, 应用伦理学, 等.

M.A. may be taken on a full time basis (normally two years) or on a part time basis (five years maximum). The department is not able to offer tuition remission or stipends. Visit the Office of 电子游戏正规平台生 Student Life for information on employment and assistantship opportunities on campus, as well as other resources. 

为什么是我们的M.A. 在哲学?


学生 interested in applying for a Ph.D. will be paired with an academic advisor to assist their 应用程序, under the form of a writing seminar, and feed- back on their portfolio from a faculty panel. 

成功的Ph值.D. 承兑汇票

电子游戏正规平台生s applied successfully to programs at Boston University, 棕色(的), 哥伦比亚, 福特汉姆, 乔治敦大学, Loyola University of Chicago, 马奎特, 巴黎圣母院, 宾夕法尼亚州立大学, The New School for Social 电子游戏正规平台, 圣路易, 寺庙, 范德比尔特, 和电子游戏软件.


Some funds are available to assist graduate students who are delivering papers at scholarly conferences. See also the section “资源” in the M.A. 手册.


M.A. students (1) organize and participate in a Workshop on Contemporary 哲学 in the fall and a 电子游戏正规平台生 Student conference in the spring and (2) organize a Reader’s Series in cooperation with our faculty. 


The Department offers courses intended exclusively for graduate students (7000-8000-9000 levels) as well as courses intended both for undergraduate and graduate students (5000-6000 levels). Both sorts of courses may be applied to the fulfillment of the requirement of ten courses (30 credits).


  • 古代哲学 
  • 中世纪哲学
  • 现代哲学

经部门批准, students may also take appropriate graduate level courses in other departments of 电子游戏软件 and by consortial arrangement in other schools and universities. 学生 may apply for transfer credit for two graduate courses taken prior to entrance to the program and not applied to another degree program, subject to department approval and the regulations of the 电子游戏正规平台生 School of Arts and Sciences. M.A. 候选人 are permitted five consecutive years from the date of acceptance into the program for completion of all requirements for the Master’s degree.

M.A. 候选人 必须 demonstrate proficiency in one foreign language of their choice:

  1. Having received a grade of “B” or better in two semesters of a language class at the elementary college level or one semester at the intermediate college level
  2. OR receiving the grade of “B” or better in a language class for graduate students at 电子游戏软件
  3. OR depending on the language, passing the department’s own language examination. 学生 may take a language course at 电子游戏软件 at a reduced rate of tuition. Language courses do not count towards the philosophy coursework requirement.

学生可以写M.A. thesis in place of two courses (six credits). 见M.A. 手册,了解更多详情.

学生 必须 write and submit a research paper in addition to coursework, 被称为“合格论文”,” on a topic of their choice. It should be between 7,000 and 10,000 words long. One of its goals is to use it as a possible writing sample in Ph.D. 应用程序. See the 电子游戏正规平台生学习手册 for more details.

以前的Ph值.D. 配售

奥斯汀伯克, New School for Social 电子游戏正规平台 (哲学)

凯西·迈尔斯, Pennsylvania State University (哲学, and possible Dual Title Doctorate degree with Department of Classics and Ancient Mediterranean Studies)

Jared Highlen 电子游戏软件 (哲学)

瑞安一. 施瓦兹, University of Hawaii at Manoa (哲学)

安德鲁·斯坦福 Duquesne University (哲学)

奥斯丁•威廉姆斯 电子游戏软件 (哲学)



For specific questions about the 哲学 department's graduate programs please contact the 电子游戏正规平台生 程序 Assistant, Christopher Hanlon. All other requests on the application process should be made to the 电子游戏正规平台生 School at the 莫大学 of Arts and Sciences.